Bacon and Egg Pie

Sep 24, 2024

It’s more than just food; it’s a slice of Kiwi life.

When you think of New Zealand, images of sprawling green landscapes, adventurous activities, and sheep may come to mind. But for those who have experienced true Kiwi hospitality, one culinary delight stands out – the iconic Bacon and Egg Pie

Whether you’re at a family picnic, a casual BBQ, or simply enjoying a quiet day at the bach or crib (holiday home), there’s a good chance you’ll find a Bacon and Egg Pie on the table. It’s the kind of food that brings people together. The smell of sizzling bacon mingled with buttery pastry and baked eggs is enough to make anyone feel at home.

Why is it So Special?

At first glance, you might think, “It’s just bacon and eggs in a pie, right?” But there’s something magical about the simplicity. The beauty of a Kiwi Bacon and Egg Pie lies in its straightforwardness, with no unnecessary frills. Just wholesome, hearty ingredients coming together to create something deeply satisfying.

This pie is the perfect reflection of Kiwi culture: uncomplicated, warm, and genuine. There’s no need for extravagant spices or over-the-top fillings. The bacon adds saltiness and crunch, while the eggs offer richness and texture. Sometimes, peas or tomatoes are added for extra flavor, but purists argue that keeping it simple is key.

Versatility at Its Best

One of the best things about this pie is its versatility. It can be eaten warm, fresh out of the oven, or enjoyed cold the next day (if there’s any left!). It’s perfect for a packed lunch, a road trip snack, or a quick dinner. Many Kiwis have memories of their mums or grandmas whipping up a Bacon and Egg Pie as a quick and reliable meal that’s loved by all ages.

A Slice of Nostalgia

For Kiwis living abroad, a slice of Bacon and Egg Pie is often a slice of home. It’s the kind of dish that, no matter where you are in the world, transports you back to lazy Sunday afternoons or sunny picnics by the beach. There’s something deeply comforting about food that connects you to your roots, and this humble pie does just that.

Make it Your Own

While the traditional recipe is cherished, everyone has their own little tweaks. Some like to top it with a bit of cheese, others might add some herbs for an extra burst of flavor. No matter how you choose to make it, one thing is certain: the Kiwi Bacon and Egg Pie will always hold a special place in New Zealand’s culinary heart.

Joe my husband argues that it needs peas and onions are a crime.  Where as I am the complete opposite!  What do you like in yours?

So next time you’re craving a bit of comfort or looking to try something new, why not bake up a Kiwi classic? You’ll find that, much like the country itself, it’s welcoming, unpretentious, and full of flavor.

I don’t have time to make homemade pastry!

When deciding between store-bought and homemade flaky pastry for your bacon and egg pie, consider the following factors:

Homemade Flaky Pastry

I prefer homemade pastry but am known to use store bought when pinched for time!
Make sure to give my recipe for homemade flaky pastry a go!


  • Taste: Homemade pastry often has a fresher, richer flavor.
  • Texture: You can achieve a light, flaky texture that can be customized to your preference.
  • Control: You have complete control over the ingredients, allowing you to adjust for dietary needs or preferences.


  • Time-Consuming: Making pastry from scratch can be labor-intensive and time-consuming, especially if you’re not familiar with the process.
  • Skill Level: It may require a bit of practice to get it just right.
Store-Bought Flaky Pastry


  • Convenience: Store-bought pastry is quick and easy, saving you time in the kitchen.
  • Consistency: It typically comes with consistent results, making it a reliable option for busy cooks.


  • Flavor: While many store-bought options are good, they may not have the same depth of flavor as homemade pastry.
  • Quality Variation: The quality of store-bought pastry can vary, so it’s important to choose a good brand.

If you have the time and enjoy baking, homemade flaky pastry is a fantastic choice for its flavor and texture. However, if you’re short on time or want to simplify the process, high-quality store-bought pastry can also yield delicious results. Ultimately, it depends on your preferences and the time you have available!

Bacon and Egg Pie

Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time35 minutes
Total Time55 minutes
Course: Main Course, Smoko
Servings: 1 pie (8-12 pieces)


  • 500 grams homemade flaky pastry (store bought is perfectly fine too)
  • 12 eggs
  • 6-10 rashers bacon, chopped
  • egg wash or a little milk (optional)

Optional additions

  • leftover new potatoes, chopped
  • chopped onions, softened in a buttery hot pan
  • peas
  • dollops of tomato relish


  • Preheat the oven to 180℃ (350℉) fan-bake.
    Set aside a 32 cm x 25 cm (12¾ in x 10 in) pie dish.
  • Use a knife to mark thirds in the pastry block. Roll out two-thirds of the pastry and use it to line your pie dish, making sure the pastry goes up the edges. Trim any excess away.
  • Roll out the final one-third, prick with a fork a few times, and place to the side to top the pie with later.
  • Break the eggs into your dish and use a clean hand to break up the yolks. ( I use my hand so that I don't accidently pierce the pastry with a fork.) Alternatively, if you prefer your yolks whole, leave them alone.
  • Add the chopped bacon and any other fillings you desire.
  • Place the pastry lid on top and fold down the edges. Use a fork to press down on the edges and seal the pie.
  • Brush with egg wash or a little milk if you want a golden top. Bake for 35 minutes.