Elderflower and lemon Infused Vodka

Nov 28, 2022

This is a very fun and tasty way to infuse vodka with a fresh summer flavour.

You do not use an expensive Vodka. Just a moderately priced one will do the job.

All you will need is;
1 bottle of vodka
Elderflower flower heads
A large jar or jug
Glass weights or small clean river rocks
Muslin cloth

I often make this for gifts over the festive season.
If you are making this in the northern hemisphere I would enjoy with friends on a summer evening.

What do I do if the flowers turn brown?
This will happen if they are exposed to the air. Make sure they are weighted down by the glass weights (or a smooth river rock).
If the flowers begin to brown before the three days of infusing has finished, simply strain early to avoid a bitter taste.

Serve with;
Soda water
Mint leaves
Fresh raspberries or dehydrated lemons

Elderflower Infused Vodka

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 3 days


  • Large jar or jug
  • muslin cloth
  • glass weights (or alternatively small smooth clean river rocks)


  • 1 bottle vodka
  • 10 elderflower heads
  • 2 lemons (thinly sliced)


  • Gently swish the elderflower heads in a bucket of water to remove any bugs or dirt. Place on a tea towel to drip dry.
  • Pour the vodka into the large jar or jug
  • Place the elderflower heads and thinly sliced lemons into the jug.
  • Place the weight on top of the flowers and lemons and leave for three days.
    Make sure that none of the flowers or fruit are exposed to the air. Or if the flowers begin to brown before three days – simply strain early to avoid a nasty taste.
  • Strain the vodka through the muslin cloth and store in the original bottle until you choose to gift in a smaller glass bottles; or simply drink.
  • Serve with ice, soda water, mint leaves and dehydrated lemons.

If you would like to make more Elderflower recipes. Check out these other suggestions.

Elderflower cordial

Elderflower marmalade

Elderflower infused gin